Oct 10, 2019 01:44PM
Japan’s fastest growing spiritual movement reaches western shores with the new inspirational film, Immortal Hero, opening on October 25, in Tampa.
Sep 30, 2019 09:30AM
Holistic dentistry takes into consideration the connections between basic oral care and the overall health of our vital organs affected by the buildup of pernicious bacteria in our gums.
The “circular economy” is all about rethinking the way we make stuff—designing products that can be reused and powering it all with renewable energy.
Visual artist and writer Jenny Odell on her new book, How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy, and why we must rebel against the seductive pull of 24/7 availability.
Optimal chiropractic care treats the whole person from the inside-out, starting with the nervous system, allowing practitioners to address many conditions that transcend typical expectations.
Slow Food activists focus on food that is “good, clean and fair”—which also tends to be food that is local, healthy and sustainable.
By combining the already beneficial aspects of yoga, goat yoga amplifies the practice through the well-documented benefits of human and animal interaction.
Allowing the time for daily naps might very well be one of the most beneficial acts of self-care we can give ourselves.
A grassroots movement towards meditation in the classroom is happening as emerging research documents the strong positive effects of mindfulness on children's developing brains.
When we rescue a shelter dog or cat, the life we save may be our own. National Shelter Pet Month offers a window into the physical and emotional health benefits of pets.
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