Stretch Rx Offers Natural Solutions to Chronic Pain and Tightness
by Deborah Bostock-Kelley
Stretch Rx Founder Ronda Musca wants the community to be feeling wonderful in 2020. From adolescent to senior citizen, health benefits abound at Stretch Rx. After noticing that people were experiencing chronic pain with limited options for pain management, Musca opened Stretch Rx to fill a void and offer an alternative approach to feeling better—no prescription required.
With a degree in Physical Science and Health Management and years of fitness and wellness expertise, Musca opened Stretch Rx (her third fitness company) to provide alternative solutions to chronic pain, muscle tightness and poor balance. Open seven days a week by appointment, with locations in Palm Harbor, Westchase and Naples, Musca and her team stretch their clients back to feeling great in private rooms filled with soothing aromatherapy and soft music.
Using a far-infrared heated ionic BioMat (endorsed by the Pope) that helps release serotonin, practitioners stretch the client’s body to improve range of motion and flexibility. When done correctly, therapeutic stretching and exercise can improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, decrease pain, help with menstrual cramps and eliminate toxins, among others. Musca states, “Negative ion therapy is perfect for cell regeneration. People with fibromyalgia, arthritis and generalized pain feel amazing when they get off of this mat.”
As a complement to these stretching and exercise services, Stretch Rx offers reflexology, massage therapy and ionic foot baths by professionals having at least ten years of experience. During a reflexology session, the practitioner stimulates pressure points on the client’s feet that target various organs of the body to promote blood circulation and detoxification. While clients relax in a massage chair, ionic foot baths pull out toxins from the body during a 20-minute soak, and at the close of the session, the color of the water indicates which toxins were removed from within the body. If the client wants a massage, Musca and her team advise the massage therapists where the most work is needed.
In November 2019, Musca further advanced her services, working with a manufacturer to perfect a small-batch CBD full-spectrum (.3 percent or under THC) topical salve that combined the benefits of essential oils, menthol and arnica with the pain and inflammation relief of CBD that can be incorporated into a therapeutic stretching, reflexology and massage session instead of lotion. New CBD products created are Joint Jam topical salve, Salt Buzz bath salts, Bubble Buzz bubble bath and Spa Jam topical salve available for purchase on or in the Stretch Rx offices in Palm Harbor and Westchase. The bubble bath and bath salts make excellent gifts for parties and showers. Customers can choose a decorative bag that matches the occasion.
“We use organic essential oils, CBD made in the U.S. grown in small batches, third-party tested, which makes us different from what you’d find in stores,” Musca explains. “Those have added chemicals in them. Ours is natural, without synthetic fillers–—the real deal—and it works.”
An added benefit of the product’s use for pain and inflammation is skin relief. Musca’s clients have seen dramatic reductions in psoriasis, splotched skin and crepe skin. Testimonial client photos are showcased on Joint Jam and Stretch Rx’s Facebook pages.
Client Douglas Palamara said that his feet caused him extreme pain. Using the topical CBD in reflexology treatment gave him intense relief. “Between the ionic foot bath and CBD foot reflexology, it’s great. I used to have plantar fasciitis. I put my shoes on and walked out of here. I didn’t even notice any problems with my foot. Before that, I was going for about a year and a half getting cortisone shots from the foot doctor, and it didn’t help. This worked.”
To schedule an appointment, clients call and briefly explain any issues they are experiencing. A comprehensive health assessment form is completed by new clients. When they come to their first appointment, the practitioner reviews their health history, pain, accidents and metals in the body and zeroes in on the client’s specific issues to create a wellness plan customized to their individual needs.
“What I’m finding in
combining modalities—traditional like exercise, stretching and massage with
non-traditional BioMat, reflexology, ionic foot bath and CBD—is just amazing. I
want people to feel better, and I want it to be done healthily,” Musca shares. “I
love hearing what people say, to hear that I changed lives makes me feel such
joy. I love giving my clients a way to feel good.”
For more information about the Palm Harbor,
Westchase or Naples location, visit Though Stretch Rx does not take insurance, its
affordable rates are structured much like an insurance copay. Cost: $35 for 30
minutes and $65 for an hour. Package rates are also available at a
discount. To order CBD products or make an
appointment seven days a week, email [email protected] or call
813-382-2363, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.