Letter From the Publisher
Jul 28, 2015 01:44AM ● By Debbey Wilson
August 2015 is upon us, with its exciting tropical weather patterns, random downpours, mountainous cloud formations, and healing doses of exploding solar energy. Bring on the Vitamin D.
This issue offers special focus on how and why to approach ‘parenting with presence and creativity,’ including news and views of interest to us all, no matter our position in the realm of parenting.
As for me, I’m enjoying every minute in my role as adopted parent of Lexi, an 11 months young Schipperke. We are both in training and coming to terms with being responsible, civil individuals. My learning curve is way up; Lexi has already earned AKC Canine Good Citizen Certification. She’s proud and content with who she is. I know this because we have a special communication.
This month’s Health Briefs include touching tips in "Happier Couples Sleep Closer Together," reporting on a study from the UK’s University of Hertfordshire (page 18). Touching is nice in many ways. In Sandra Murphy’s Natural Pet article "Animal Talk," (page 40) learn about work being done that might improve communication between human and pet(s), with the help of a computer. For me, efforts to communicate species to species, eyeball to eyeball, are the route to take. It works for Lexi and me. Arf.
As always, open your mind and read on.