Letter From the Publisher

On Thursday, July 4 we celebrate our nation’s Declaration of Independence, when that small band of 13 colonies decided to go it alone. The date stirs thoughts of picnics, fireworks, and beach excursions and hopefully, it also stirs consideration and heart-felt reflections of our nation-as-community.
Since initiating the publication of Natural Awakenings Tampa Bay more than a decade ago, I’ve seen amazing growth in the natural health movement both here on the home front and nationally. The movement is fueling awareness of ways to improve our health and collective strength as individuals and as inhabitants of this beautiful planet.
This month Natural Awakenings spotlights rejuvenating approaches to summer living with a special focus on the foods we consume for wellbeing. Our Wise Words feature this month offers insight on the dietary benefits of raw foods and ways supermodel Carol Alt incorporates this healthy eating style into her extremely busy life.
I go for local products whenever possible. In our community we have access to an exciting, easily accessible selection of 100% certified organic products at TampaBayOrganics.com. In addition, many Bay Area health food stores feature locally grown choices and, with the introduction of LocallyGrown.net, the possibilities have expanded even more. Fresh-from-the-garden foods come to the table at peak flavor, offering a multitude of health promoting benefits. I’m further convinced of the merits of supporting local growers because it means investing my food dollars back into my home community.
In fact, the focus on buying locally extends far beyond food purchases to include locally-owned businesses in general. It has been reported that every dollar spent with locally-owned businesses generates over three times the local economic impact as compared to spending with national chains.
Go local. As always, open your mind and read on.