Oct 29, 2021 04:19PM
This month, we pay homage to Thanksgiving.
Oct 29, 2021 04:08PM ● By Dr. David Minkoff
Many people are still unaware that achieving optimal dental health is the secret to achieving great overall health.
Oct 29, 2021 03:52PM ● By Les Cole, MD
There are four main symptoms of PMS: breast tenderness and emotional dysregulation can occur before and heavy blood flow and cramping during your period. The cause of these symptoms is an imbalance of your estrogen and progesterone levels.
Oct 29, 2021 03:44PM
Dr. Greene believes our bodies are self-regulating, self-healing organisms in which healing is controlled and coordinated by the body’s communication among its organ systems. To that end, she works to develop a personalized treatment plan that puts health care back into her patients’ hands.
Oct 29, 2021 03:39PM
Participants will learn ways to get onto a path to a healthy body and soul through the teachings of Bruno Gröning who became world renowned in the 1950s in his knowledge of how to receive natural energy.
Oct 29, 2021 03:25PM
Your participation takes just five minutes, and will give us a better understanding of what you need and how well we’re delivering on your expectations
Oct 29, 2021 03:23PM
Join Missy White and her 100 hour advanced, 200 hour and 300 hour teacher trainings
Oct 29, 2021 09:30AM
A reduction of just 200 calories a day combined with aerobic exercise four times a week produced greater weight loss and better heart health in obese, sedentary adults than exercise alone.
Oct 29, 2021 09:30AM ● By Rachael Oppy
The right kind of exercise, particularly swimming, can help kids learn vocabulary better, suggests research.
A single dose of 100 milligrams of the compound L-theanine—the amount found in four cups of green tea—improved reaction times and working memory of men and women.
Natural Awakenings of Tampa Bay, Inc.