Feb 28, 2019 12:34PM ● By Kathie Gonzales
Part of being a woman is learning to embrace our differences and deserving healthcare that treats us as individuals.
Feb 28, 2019 12:29PM
With unusually cooler weather so far this year, my modest collection of winter clothes is getting a real workout.
Feb 28, 2019 11:49AM
Doing a chanting meditation or listening to classical music can alter biomarkers associated with cellular aging and Alzheimer’s disease in adults with early memory loss.
A Harvard study of 27,842 older male health professionals found those that ate the most vegetables and drank the most orange juice suffered less memory loss over a span of two decades.
Taking three grams a day of powdered lemon balm for two months significantly improved the condition of Iranian patients with chronic stable angina.
Danes that took two grams of liquid rose hip during the winter had 13 percent fewer colds and less coughing, headaches, stiffness and fatigue when they did get sick.
Italian men with benign prostate hypertrophy that took 150 milligrams a day for two months of a pine bark extract significantly improved in urination frequency, urgency, intermittency and nighttime occurrences.
With the recent years of record-breaking temperatures, both the North Pole and South Pole are melting at alarming levels, say scientists.
Swedish scientists are developing a liquid molecule composed of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen that when exposed to sunlight, converts into a new isomer that theoretically can be released later to heat a household.
A new artificial photosynthesis system named Bionic Leaf 2.0 is ten times as efficient as normal plant photosynthesis at converting solar energy to biomass.
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