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Natural Awakenings Tampa Florida

Letter from the Publisher

When Steve Jobs passed over, his request to gift the book Autobiography of a Yogi to all attendees at his funeral was honored. To paraphrase its author, Paramahansa Yogananda, “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all else will follow.” One interpretation of this statement includes the strong yen to find one’s tribe. This month, our theme is just that—Finding Your Tribe.
A personal call to arms, letting go of that which no longer serves (paradox of the mind), an unveiling must-read is Ilarion Merculieff on The Wisdom of the Elders. “You cannot do anything about climate change until you receive your gift.”
Blue Zones, per the article, Blue Zone Eating: In Search of the Healthiest Diet, are areas of the planet where people live nine decades and more sans chronic illness, pain and dis-ease. Shared are sustenance and habits of these long-lifers, recipes included.
Solving Generational Z Loneliness begins within. “This isn’t just about being out of touch with others, but with our own body’s needs.” When unsure on how to behave, kindness will always be “healthy”, especially to one’s Self.
Pets and their humans thrive on wholesome interactions, raising vibrational countenance for all. Making Friends at the Pet Park highlights the power of community in pet ownership, perhaps even connecting to one’s tribe.
As always, with an open Heart and mind, please enjoy.