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Natural Awakenings Tampa Florida

Spiritual Guidance for Conscious Evolution

Headshot of JoAnn Chambers.

Based on her years of training as a psychophysical therapist, Shamanic Sound Healer, JoAnn Shivanti, developed Spiritual MRI. Her personalized program included Postural Integration—a form of Rolfing—along with studies in psychology and new age/self-help therapies. Music is a primary teaching tool throughout all sessions. Shivanti’s husband, Gary brings through sound healing transmissions in their custom-built sound healing room.
Since 1989, the Odyssey sound healing room has been used to work with clients on their spiritual awakening journeys. As an energy healer, Shivanti’s clairvoyant abilities to view chakras, auric layers and past-life imprints in conjunction with shamanic journeying allow her to assist clients in unveiling hidden potentials.
“I developed a program that combines all my various gifts to support those walking a path of conscious evolution,” shares Shivanti. “I offer an initial free consult to determine where it might be best to start working with clients.”
Sessions increase the individual’s light quotient gradually, allowing for easier integration and utilization of energy to walk wholly in one’s spiritual work on Earth. Lightworkers step into full service as the planet goes through intense transformation at this time.
Location: Online (St. Pete-r’s folks welcome to experience Odyssey in-person). For free intro consultation, call 727-434-7433, email [email protected] and visit