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Natural Awakenings Tampa Florida

Innovations in Holistic Dentistry

The team at Tampa Bay Dental Implants, Periodontics & Oral Surgery.

In the past, titanium implants have been used with great success to replace missing teeth, and there is no question they have long-term data to support their efficient use. Titanium implants are a safe, reliable option and continue to be a top choice with dentists because they are durable, have longevity, and integrate with the bone very well. But what if a titanium implant isn't the right choice for you?
For patients who are allergic or sensitive to metal, or those who prefer to practice a more holistic lifestyle, Dr. Robert Yu, Tampa Bay Dental Implants, Periodontics & Oral Surgery, is pleased to offer ceramic implants. Also known as zirconia implants, these are made from special industrial, high-impact resistant ceramic (zirconium oxide, ZrO2) customarily used in aerospace engineering because of its high resistance to fracture and heat. To provide patients with optimal quality, Dr. Yu currently uses both the Ceraroot Implant System, a global leader in metal-free, holistic and esthetic implant dentistry, as well as Straumann Pure Implants. Ceraroot implants do not interfere with the movement of energy through the body’s meridians. Zirconia implants are known as bio inert, so they’re a perfect tooth replacement solution for patients who adhere to holistic health principles. They are also bio-compatible so there are no allergic reactions and no temperature sensitivity. Ceramic implants have already made their mark in Europe and South America. Studies show that for both zirconia and titanium implants, osseointegration—the process of bone growing right up to the implant surface—is very similar, and that zirconia implants have a comparable survival rate, making them an excellent alternative to metal implants.
Another phenomenal holistic offering at Tampa Bay Dental is the Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP), a new therapy that allows for the effective treatment of periodontal disease with no removal of tissue. LANAP is a gentle, conservative, non-invasive method of treating gum disease without cutting, suturing or removing tissue. Using a precision laser, Dr. Yu is able to kill up to 99 percent of the disease-causing bacteria in the periodontal pockets. Because there is no defense against the laser, the bacteria cannot adapt and avoid elimination as with anti-biotic treatment. As there is no cutting or suturing as with traditional methods of treating the disease, LANAP provides a fast, virtually pain-free procedure. Additionally, the precision of the laser allows Dr. Yu to avoid removing significant tissue, allowing for a faster recovery and minimal loss of tooth and bone structure post-procedure.
Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. In its advanced stages, the gums can become red and tender. They may also start to bleed when brushing teeth. Many people experience bad breath and an unpleasant taste. Untreated, periodontal disease becomes significantly more serious as deep pockets of bacteria develop, eroding the jawbone which supports the teeth’s structure. Periodontal bacteria can also enter the bloodstream and contribute to many other medical problems. Without proper treatment, the periodontal pockets deepen, resulting in tooth loss. Until recently, bacterial removal entailed periodontal flap surgery, a painful procedure involving sutures and a much longer recovery. Dr. Yu offers LANAP as a patient-friendly and minimally-invasive alternative. He will begin first visit with a review of the individual’s dental and medical history. This is followed by a thorough periodontal examination of mouth, discussion of findings and treatment options. Dr. Yu and staff will take special care to ensure all questions are answered prior to treatment, including financial.
At treatment appointment, a small laser fiber is inserted between the tooth and the gum and the bacterial infection is removed. Patients can expect to be prescribed an antibiotic along with pain medication, and most patients feel fine returning to work the very next day. Dr. Yu and staff provide specific instructions on home care following the treatment, and patient returns to the office in 7 to 14 days for a post-operative appointment.
For anyone whose general dentist has recommended laser therapy or a dental implant, contact Tampa Bay Dental to determine if this is for you.

Tampa Bay Dental Implants and Periodontics is located at 6700 Crosswinds Dr., Ste. 200-B, St. Petersburg. For more information and to schedule an appointment, call 727-384-9122 or visit