Letter from the Publisher

As always, writing my editorial and preparing this July 2014 Natural Awakenings Tampa Bay has stimulated my imagination. So much to be thankful for; so much to do; so fleeting is time. Our community is bursting with good energy; innovative thinkers; earth-loving people of all shapes and sizes. Check out this month’s community calendar for an update on some exciting things going on locally, Bay-wise.
We can expect typically tropical weather this month. Slow sultry heat. Stormy patterns stirring. Spectacular cloud formations fill the sky. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Our little West Coast community is the perfect place to be.
July offers up many good reasons for celebration. On Friday, the 4th we celebrate our nation’s Declaration of Independence and the good intentions of that small band of colonists in 1776 who decided to go it alone. The size of our nation today would probably blow their minds.
A caring shout-out goes out to our many Canadian readers. On Tuesday, the 1st, we celebrate Canada Day. On July 1, 1867, three colonies officially declared them-selves a single country, Canada. Originally called Dominion Day (French: Le Jour de la Confédération), the holiday has since been renamed. Canada Day observances are held on Canadian soil, here in the Bay Area, and internationally.
As always, open your mind and read on.